Thursday 23 September 2010

Media In My Daily Life

Thursday 23rd September 7:30-8:00
Today I listened to my ipod whilst I was on a bus to school. I listened to Ellie Gouldings album which shows that I like her genre of music.Just from this information someone who doesnt know me may be able to tell that I like the "pop" genre of music.

Friday 24th September 6:00-7:00
During this time I watched America's Next Top Model for an hour on TV. This shows im interested in fashion or modelling and from this you can tell I enjoy finding out about competitions.

Sunday 26th September 9:00-10:30
I watched the film Juno on channel 4. I really enjoyed this film as i found it funny and interesting. You can tell that my sense of humour relates to the humour used in the film and that I enjoy comedy films.

Monday 27th September 4:15-4:30
I read a look magasine to catch up on all the latest fashion items and styles. I enjoyed reading this as I am interested in the world of fashion and how different people portray their personalitys through the clothes they wear. This shows that I am interested in the fashion media around me.

Tuesday 28th September 5:30-6:00
I read the daily telegraph to find out about important news within our country and the world. From my interest in this you can tell that I am interested in current affairs and I like reading about things that have happened within the world.

Thurday 30th September 2:30-3:00
During this time I watched people's blogs on youtube. This type of media has now become more common in the most recent years. You can tell from this that I enjoy finding out about other people's daily lives.

Saturday 2nd October 3:00-4:00
I watched some of a Channel 4 series called Misfits. I chose to watch this so I can easily follow the next series as it comes out soon. This shows I enjoy following television series and take an interest in different programmes on tv.

Sunday 3rd October 4:30-5:00
I listened to Paolo Nutini's album whilst on the bus today. I listened to this because I was in the mood to listen to his songs which talk about day to day life.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Camera Shot Analysis

Close Up / Reaction Shot
This image is from the film Hot Fuzz it shows a close up of the two main characters. You know this is a close up because you cant see much background and it's very easy to see the facial expressions in the characters making it a reaction shot as well. It dennotes the characters both looking at the same thing with the same facial expression. There are also many connotations that you can get from looking at this picture for example they could be looking at something very confusing making them looked shocked or puzzled.

Point Of Veiw Shot
This shot is a good example of a point of veiw shot because through looking at the image you feel as if you are a character within the film because the camera shows what a character in the film would see if they were where the camera was. This is very useful in films as it helps you relate to the characters as well as understand it easier.

Long Shot
This camera shot dennotes the characters walking. You can tell that this camera shot is a long shot because you can see both the entire bodies as well as a lot of the background image. The characters appear to be life size as the camera isn't positioned above them to make them look smaller or below them to make them look bigger.